What is our current market

Unless you’ve been on another planet the last few months, most people know that labor is in short supply and it’s a candidate’s market.  Candidates are switching jobs more now than any other time in recent history.  However, for a candidate, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can name your terms.  There is still a delicate balance, companies remain steadfast in their expectations and not all have adjusted their hiring practices to reflect the expedited employment process we are now seeing across all industries.  It wasn’t too long ago when I could tell you that an upper level position had a life-cycle 10X more than what we are seeing now.  So, if you are a company that has not adjusted your hiring practices, you are more than likely a company trying to cope with vacant positions you can’t seem to fill. 
One of the most frustrating aspects of a robust candidate market for companies is candidate choice.  Candidates have so much choice it affects their commitment level.  We see companies struggling to stand out among their competition though 3rd party recruiting has played such a big part in helping companies build their brands among the available workforce and promoting the benefits of working there.
We don’t see a big change in state and local pandemic assistance programs ending.  We believe this market will remain a candidate market for the foreseeable future.